GRANITE AUDIO is a system concept. A system with true synergy.
Ground Zero Ground Loop Elimination System
Box Dimensions 7" x 4.5" x 3.5"
NEW MODEL #502 New Improved Circuit with even Lower Impedance than Model 501 or 500! Better than ever Ground Loop Elimination.
"Listen to your music. Not your noise!"
"Stop the 60 Hz Hum torture in 7 minutes!"
Affordable ground loop elimination. Lowers system noise floor. Operates in the system's ground circuit only. Does not interfere with the music signal path. Matches the ground impedance of every system component. Replaces dangerous "cheater plugs" with a safer solution. Creates a balanced ground path without expensive house rewiring. Great alternative for renters. Take it with you when you move.
Same physical size as old model, but now has 12 + 2 component jacks for Multi-channel and Home Theater systems.
Download the GROUND ZERO worksheet Adobe PDF format.
Top industry pros used GROUND ZERO at CES2004 Las Vegas to eliminate noisy ground loops in their own exhibits.
Michael Chang, Chang Lightspeed AC Line Conditioners,
used GROUND ZERO to eliminate their annoying ground loop at the Alexis Park Room 1659. Chang Lightspeed also makes quality interconnects, but their best sounding interconnect introduced the ground loop hum because of its high impedance. I installed the GROUND ZERO system in their room in 5 minutes while they continued to demonstrate their fine system to a room full of visitors. Then just a few clicks of the GROUND ZERO system and I was able to equalize the impedance mismatch and get rid of their nasty ground loop. Notice the GROUND ZERO on the floor at the bottom of the photo. The GROUND ZERO system was also tied into the top line model Chang Lightspeed AC Line conditioner on the floor at the left bottom of the photo. Once again GROUND ZERO was very compatible with this AC line conditioner.
Katie, PS Audio AC Line Conditioners,
used GROUND ZERO to eliminate their annoying ground loop in their Alexis Park Exhibit. The PS Audio P600 Line Conditioner shown in the photo is renowned as one of the best line conditioners in the industry. And once again GROUND ZERO was very compatible with this AC line conditioner.
GROUND ZERO wins a Jimmy Award
Jim Saxon, SoundStage Magazine CES2005 Jimmy Awards
Granite Audio introduced the Ground Zero Ground Loop Elimination System. Dubbed "affordable" by Granite, the $600 passive star-grounding system is said to equalize the ground-impedance path of every component in a system, despite cable and power-cord potentials. The Ground Zero is intended to be used by show attendees who have to deal with 60Hz hum from hotel-room wall outlets. If it's good enough for the pros, it's more than good enough for me. Although $600 isn't chump change, the Ground Loop Elimination System does come as a kit "with cables to connect to every component chassis in a system." I presume these are grounding cables; I can't imagine an exhibitor parting with his favorite audio cables.
May I also add that Katie, the Granite Audio saleswoman, was the best-looking person I saw at CES? She reminded me of a lovely friend in Costa Rica. In Spanish, the phrase is amor a primera vista. Where's the Granite order form? Ah, if it were only so easy . . .
Customer Reviews via email.
1. Don: Thanks for the information. I use a Grado cartridge and phono amp in my stereo system and was hearing a lot of noise and RF interference through the system, until I installed the Ground Zero. It removed all of the noise. Great product! Roger, Birmingham, AL .
2. Hi Don, The package arrived yesterday. I have installed the system and although there was only a minimum of ground hum before, I could reduce it a bit for optimum performance. I have enough washers, but it's good to have some spare ones. I appreciate your excellent service. Thanks for all! Best regards, Daniel, Switzerland.
3. dear Don, I received yesterday your Ground Zero. Easy to install and works on the most of my equitments but I have a very loud hum noise when I am trying to connect it to phono stage.
(Then he had this to say after he got tech support.) Hi, not only clever but a man with knowledge!!!!!!!!! Funny is that first I am asking you and then I discover and then you answer correct for the things I found and even you are far away you have right!!!! All the problems were from the Jasmine place on self and I really din't notice the black banana bidding post until you mention it. Now I have hum little noticeable and I am sure if I follow your instructions I will eliminate them all. My surprise is that you know so many thinks fabout Jasmine and I give you my respect if you tried to find all this information's to help me. Thank you is the less I can say. My best regards. Gerasimos, Greece.
4. Hi Don, My Ground Zero arrived yesterday and I installed it as soon as I got home. My amplification chain is all tubes and I use Altec A7s as speakers, so noises will pass through them. I had installed cheater plugs on my monoblocks to treat a low level hum. I didn't follow the instructions in that I didn't listen to the system without the cheater plugs for a baseline before I installed the Ground Zero, so after I installed it, I was still able to hear some noise from my speakers. Adjusting the switches had some effect, but they were pretty subtle.
Then I decided to play the system and I was bowled over by the improvement. I surmised that what I was still hearing was tube noise and not a grounding issue, but I think the system must still be quieter because I could hear deeper into the music, and instrumental textures were clearer. and as you say, the Ground Zero doesn't interfere with the signal path. So the Ground Zero must be more effective than using cheater plugs, but are there benefits even if ground loops aren't an issue? A couple of things. A friend of mine who is a fan of Altec horns came over to listen to my system yesterday and he noticed the Ground Zero. After listening to somemusic he said that my system IS quieter. Cyrus, Honolulu, HI
5. I broke down and got one ( Ground Zero). I have no plans (or significant cash!) to upgrade major components in the forseeable future so I figured it was worth a try to improve what I've already got. It took me about 25 minutes to install all of the cords and go through a quick round of flipping switches. My system is fairly quiet, but I have always had issues with ground loops, and the simple act of changing interconnects can have a profound effect on hum and noise, causing me to bring out the cheater plugs. After only a brief session with the GZ all hum and noise was virtually gone. I can turn up the volume control to full (my DNA-225 power amp puts out over 200 watts into my VMPS speakers) and hear nothing unless I put my ear right up to the woofer, and even then it's difficult to discern anything. With regard to the effect when playing music, all I can say is that everything seems more at ease, and the music just flows more naturally. Any artificial edge or brightness seems significantly diminished, and I find I am listening to digital for much longer periods than I was before the GZ was installed. Well worth it for me. John, Massachusetts.
GROUND ZERO is an affordable totally passive star grounding system that equalizes the ground impedance path of every component in your audio or video system regardless of the condition of your house wiring and regardless of how many different gauges of power cords you are using.
GROUND ZERO does all this totally in the ground plane without any connection to your music signal path and it doesn't plug into the wall outlet. GROUND ZERO is a complete kit that comes with 6 special low impedance cables that connect the chassis of every component in your system to the GROUND ZERO chassis.
GROUND ZERO and it's low-impedance 32 amp silver switches does the rest. Installation is done in minutes with only a phillips screwdriver. Lowers system noise floor. Replaces dangerous cheater plugs. No need to rewire your house. Great alternative for renters. Take it with you when you move. Star grounding has been around for decades, but GROUND ZERO does more than that. It divides your system into 3 subgroups and allows you to actually balance the impedance between the groups with 27 switch settings to get the absolute optimum lowest noise floor and maximum ground loop elimination in the world's first portable novice-friendly kit that will fit in any system.
How GROUND ZERO works:
Click here to go to GROUND ZERO Page 2 for more technical details, frequently asked questions, and pricing.
Granite Audio - Vacuum tube amps, preamps, speaker cables, AC power cords, CD players, granite speakers, amplifiers, tubes, silver interconnect cables, stereo.