GRANITE AUDIO is a system concept. A system with true synergy.
Granite Audio CES 2000 Las Vegas
Dr. Joseph D'Appolito (right), master loudspeaker designer, gives Don Hoglund, master cabinetmaker, some expert speaker advice. The doctor showed me the latest CLIO version 4.0 computer hardware & program for designing & measuring speakers. Joseph has done extensive design work with drivers similar to the ones that we use in our great sounding designs. He brought up our TC120TdX2 tweeter on the CLIO, sitting on the table behind me, and showed me a way to get even better sound from it.
Steve, Jim, & Noi pause for a pose, during lunch by the Alexis Park pool. Steve is the genius behind Granite Audio's innovative four-layer printed circuit board in our Model #770 Preamp. Jim is the creative force behind Granite's famous dynamic-sounding zero feedback power amps, and Noi puts her expert soldering touch to the amps on our production line.
Jim swaps tube tech talk with Svetlana tube designer, Eric Barbour.
Jim and Eric share the same no-nonsense approach to tube designs and engineering. Eric filled us in on the latest new tubes from Svetlana and talked to us about using their new KT-88 beam power tube in our great Model #860 Monoblock power amp.
Granite Audio - Vacuum tube amps, preamps, speaker cables, AC power cords, CD players, granite speakers, amplifiers, tubes, silver interconnect cables, stereo.