GRANITE AUDIO is a system concept. A system with true synergy.
Granite Audio CES 2002 Las Vegas Exhibit
This page is dedicated to the memory of Don Schlicker. November 8, 1947 to February 22, 2002
Our CES visitors will remember Don most for his warm smile, gentle soul, and great taste in eclectic music. Don was our music man and spent months before every show searching for interesting music that would not only show off our great system, but also be something unique and entertaining for music lovers from every corner of the world. He'll be sorely missed and cannot be replaced. Read more about Don Schlicker
Click on photos to view enlargement.
Bob is a former President of the Arizona Audiophile Society and owner of www.audionut.com . Bob is a good friend and was pleased to see us using his "Elevators" to hold our cables off the floor in our exhibit suite. (See photo below left.) Then he got a good chuckle over of our Granite Audio high rise elevator to keep our Model #560 Power Cord firmly engaged in the cheap wall sockets at the Alexis Park. Ha, ha. (See photo below
Don Hoglund - Bob Williams
These heavy ceramic "Elevators" are sold in sets of four by:
Steve Bruzonsky is Moderator of the "Audio Video Improvements" and "AVS Special Guests" sections of the AV Science Forum on the web. He's also an active member of the Arizona Audiophile Society as well as a great personal injury lawyer. Steve's maximum home theater system has been featured in "Stereophile's Guide To Home Theater" and is famous nationwide for his extreme tweaks. Steve has become a good friend and great host when we watch HDTV movies together. Steve outfitted his system with Granite Audio power cords, Model #470 Pure Silver balanced interconnects, Model #570 Pure Copper speaker cables, and our Model #657 Vacuum Tube CD Player. See his review of the CDP on this site.
Greg Weaver is a reviewer and Executive Editor for Stereo Times magazine.
The Crew Hank Loynd - Don - Don Schlicker
Granite Audio - Vacuum tube amps, preamps, speaker cables, AC power cords, CD players, granite speakers, amplifiers, tubes, silver interconnect cables, stereo.